– To guarantee your date a 50% non-refundable retainer fee is required. With the remaining balance due 7 days prior to booking date.


– Travel costs are 0.50p/mile round trip. Parking and congestion fees apply also.


– Hair trials take place at Lizz space in North London. Address will be provided upon booking.


– Clip-in extensions are provided by Lizz at the trial and are available for purchase if using for chosen hairstyle.


– Lizz does a maximum of 4 clients per wedding morning. Any additional clients will require Lizz to bring a hair assistant. Travel and accommodation cost will apply for assistant.


– Lizz and assistant will not work with poor quality extensions or dirty hair. Please consult Lizz on the best extensions to purchase and prep of hair prior to date.


– On booking date hair will only be styled for persons paid no additional clients can be added on the day of booking.


A full terms of service agreement will be sent out to client prior to agreeing on booking.